Exhibition «Naval Glory Captured in Porcelain»
The name of the exhibition speaks for itself. Organized by the Peter the Great Central Naval Museum, the Imperial Society for the Encouragement of the Arts Foundation and the International Union of Non-Governmental Organizations, the Assembly of the Peoples of Eurasia, it presents 12 porcelain sculptures of Russian sailors and naval commanders.
The collection of sculptures was created on the initiative of the Imperial Society for the Encouragement of the Arts Foundation by some of the best sculptors and porcelain artists of St. Petersburg: A. A. Bragar, S. Yu. Filimonova, E. N. Mikheeva.
«On the one hand, this exhibition is unique, and on the other, it is quite natural for our museum» - said Sergei Kurnosov, Deputy Director of the Central Naval Museum for Scientific Exposition and Exhibition Work, at the opening ceremony. Since the 19th century, the Maritime Museum has been collecting a collection of sculptures by leading masters of this genre, relating to the naval theme. It is perfectly complemented by a collection of figurines depicting the uniform of Russian naval sailors. Today's exhibition is a wonderful symbiosis of these two collections of our museum.
The President of the Regional Public Organization «Council for International Cooperation» Yuri Palamarchuk and the Director of the Foundation «Imperial Society for the Encouragement of the Arts» Lyudmila Ermolova also wished the exhibition success, warmly thanking the staff of the Central Military Museum for their cooperation.
A member of the Board of Trustees of the Foundation «Imperial Society for the Encouragement of the Arts» Alexey Kolodko spoke about the special features of creating porcelain miniatures depicting famous Russian and Soviet naval commanders, and invited the participants and guests of the ceremony to view the exhibition.
The process of creating the sculptures was preceded by extensive research work - studying the lives and work of famous Russian and Soviet naval commanders, as a result of which the most striking and outstanding personalities were selected, who had a noticeable influence on the construction of the Russian fleet, the successful outcome of naval battles and, in general, on the course of history of the period of time in which they served the Motherland.
In the sculptures, the authors tried to recreate the psychological portrait of each of them not only as commanders, but also as individuals, paying special attention to the depiction of their merits in the form of awards, carefully working out the details of their military uniforms, weapons.
Among the presented heroes are researchers, discoverers and scientists. Each of them was individual in their life path, but they all performed invaluable feats for our Motherland, possessed such qualities as courage, bravery, indestructible will, outstanding intellect.